Year 10 Religious Studies Trip to The Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre - Ratcliffe College

Year 10 Religious Studies Trip to The Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre

Senior School | 13.06.2019

In Religious Studies, the students continue to explore deep questions about life, faith and meaning. At GCSE, students consider questions such as ‘Why is there evil in the world?’ and ‘Is there life after death’? as well as studying Judaism.

Earlier this month, all students in Year 10 spent a day at the Beth Shalom Holocaust Centre, near Newark, Nottinghamshire. The Centre was set up in 1985 by two brothers who believed that it was important that there should be a Holocaust memorial centre in the UK.

During the visit, students found out more about the events of the Holocaust as well as considering the deeper questions as to how this could happen and why there is still hatred and genocide in the world today. They were also introduced to many examples of people who showed great courage and service during the Holocaust. The students had the great honour of meeting a Holocaust survivor, Steven Frank, who explained key events in his life and the suffering he went through. Everyone deeply moved by Stephen’s account of his experiences.

As well as being relevant to a number of the topics on the GCSE syllabus, it is hoped that the experience was a humbling and enlightening one for the students.