Snow Communications Guide - Ratcliffe College

Snow Communications Guide

The College will be open as normal during periods of snowfall, as we have boarders living on campus. However, we strongly advise that families and staff travel to school only if it is safe to do so at drop-off and pick-up, as the weather may deteriorate during the day.

Site Inspection

On days of heavy snowfall, early inspection of the site is conducted to establish whether the site is safe and further checks are conducted throughout the day as the weather may deteriorate and the forecast may change. The College will also carefully consider the ability to offer school transport, or unforeseen other factors which may impact on our ability to operate a full curriculum day. This may include, but is not limited to, the cancellation of co-curricular activities or other Calendared events. We may also be required to shorten the school day and the taught curriculum, requiring parents to pick up their children at an earlier time.

There are several factors the College will consider during the school site inspection:

  • The severity of the weather at the time.
  • The forecast and likelihood of a change in the weather.
  • The condition of the school site.
  • Our ability to offer six lessons a day and feed students and staff and keep everyone warm.
  • Access to the school via local and regional roads for staff and students.
  • Operation of School transport.

School Communications

We endeavour to provide parents with as much notice as we can. Our website will be regularly updated during periods of extreme weather.

We advise that parents/guardians do not contact school to enquire if the school is open. Instead, please monitor email, text messages, social media, and the school website. We will continue to keep all parents updated with key information and arrangements during the period of extreme weather.

We will use the following methods to communicate with parents:

  • We will email and text parents with further information by 7.00am on the morning of.
  • Live Information will be uploaded to the Parent App noticeboardplease make sure you have access to this App.
  • Information will be uploaded on the home page of our school website.
  • Information will be posted to the Ratcliffe College Instagram and Facebook.
  • Remote learning arrangements will be emailed to parents and students on the morning of (please see further guidance below).

Remote Learning Arrangements

Nursery, Years 1 and 2

All teaching staff will upload teaching and learning activities to Tapestry.

Years 3 – 13

All teaching staff will post work on Google Classroom for lessons 1 – 6. Students should consult their Google Classroom and complete work set by teachers for each period.

Please note, teachers will keep students regularly informed with details of remote working arrangements and Google Classroom expectations via email throughout this period.