Chaplain’s Corner 12 January 2018 - Ratcliffe College

Chaplain’s Corner 12 January 2018

All School News | 12.01.2018

Welcome back! I hope Christmas was a blessed time for you and your families, and that the New Year is full of blessings. The celebrations in school to finish the term were vibrant and uplifting, as we dined in honour of Our Lady during the Immaculate Conception celebrations, held a Carols Service on the last day of term, and of course enjoyed the House Drama competition. Many thanks from the Chaplaincy Team to all students who participated, and of course to the parents who so beautifully decorated our Church. Elsewhere in this newsletter is an account of our beautiful Christmas Eve Mass.

Certainly, by the end of last term, we were ready for the break, and this term promises to be no less full of activity. Indeed, on our first day back, the school celebrated the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, and Year 10 volunteers led the singing, readings and prayers. Another group of Year 10 students volunteered to lead Friday’s Chaplaincy Assembly, pondering the distinct beauty of the Blessed Sacrament.

It’s fitting that we keep Christ at the centre of our lives, both for a sense of priority and for a sense of calm and confidence. Mr Nicholas Walsh led a reflection for our staff inset day last Friday, which was received very well. The topic was the Epiphany, which was celebrated in our Church calendar last Sunday. I’ve taken the story of the Magi’s visit to the Christ child, and offered below some prayers for our school community.

  • Led by the star, the Magi came to recognise in Jesus a Kingship over all nations. Help us discern in our everyday moments a chance to let Christ be King for us – who demands peace, justice, love and forgiveness.
  • The Magi brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to Jesus, signifying his kingship, his divinity and his self-sacrificial death. Grant us the generosity of heart and hand to reach out to those in need to build God’s Kingdom on earth. Move us to prayer and meditation on Jesus’ life and example, and bind us together in one body as a Light for our local community. Give us the courage to follow Jesus’ road to the cross, confident of our own resurrection through his.
  • Constant in their quest and certain of Jesus’ kingship, the Magi ignored the jealous designs of a threatened Herod, and returned home along a different path. As we meet Christ in our community and in our Church, may we display similar decisions to change our path, and bring his light to bear wherever we are.

Paul Michel