Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust presenting Robyn Warwick and the Eco Team with a cheque for winning the Grand Ideas award (Pre-Covid)
Ratcliffe College and our dedicated Eco Committee are one step closer to another Big Idea coming to fruition as we receive the Eco-Schools silver award!
The Eco-Committee have been working very hard this year on meeting the criteria of different awards and accreditations for the school. Their work has continued through our remote learning provision, by attending virtual meetings and making posters to encourage everyone to be more eco-friendly and thinking of ideas for future campaigns, even during lockdown.
This week, Ratcliffe received news that the school has been awarded the Silver Eco-Schools Award! This demonstrates our continued commitment to tackling environmental issues and raising awareness across the school, from Nursery to Sixth Form. The Silver Award focuses on ensuring that environmental issues are covered in the school curriculum and expanding how the work of the Eco-Committee is spread across the wider school community. This is a fantastic achievement as only 20% of schools reach this level, and it reflects the hard work that all students have put into creating campaigns and initiatives and evaluating the actions taken since achieving the Bronze Award. Particular thanks go to Sophie (Year 13) for keeping everyone on track and collating all the evidence during this time.
The Eco-Committee is now focusing on meeting the objectives for Plastic Free Schools Status, before turning their attention to achieving the Green Flag Award, the next and final step beyond the Silver Eco-Schools Award.