Jack's Story - Ratcliffe College

Jack’s Story

Alumni | 27.07.2023

We interviewed Jack, who left in 2018, and he told us how Ratcliffe has helped him forge his sporting career path:

What was it like studying at Ratcliffe?

Studying at Ratcliffe College was extremely enjoyable. The school has played a huge part in my development, having spent most of my life studying, socialising, and playing sport there. The opportunities I was lucky to receive placed me in a wide range of new situations, allowing me to grow as a person, explore potential careers, experience new cultures, and chase my goal of becoming a professional athlete.


Do you have any memorable moments from your time at Ratcliffe?

The main memories I have from my time at Ratcliffe are playing sport with my mates, enjoying the company of others, and getting stuck into everything. There were loads of things available to try outside of studying and I really appreciated the communities that you could be a part of, and contribute to, due to being at Ratcliffe.


What did you do after Ratcliffe?

Since my time at Ratcliffe, I have spent 4 years studying Sport & Exercise Science and training as an elite athlete at Loughborough University. I was fortunate to train and play as part of the Loughborough Performance Cricket Programme (Loughborough UCCE) at the National Cricket Performance Centre and have continued to play County 2nd XI cricket for Leicestershire CCC and Kent CCC alongside. This has taken me to lots of parts of the world, most notably, Sri Lanka, Dubai, and South Africa. I recently returned to the UK after spending 6 months training, living, and working in Melbourne, Australia. It was a great place to live and develop my career aspirations, whilst also pursuing personal interests, travelling, experiencing a new culture, and training / playing for Melbourne University Cricket Club.


What are you doing now?

I am currently forging a path for myself in professional cricket, whilst exploring opportunities within the Sports Events and Marketing sector. I am also playing as a club professional for Kimberley Institute Cricket Club in Nottingham where I additionally run group and individual coaching sessions.


Would you say there’s anything which you learnt at Ratcliffe which you still carry with you today?

There is too much to list! I think most importantly to me is the appreciation I learnt at Ratcliffe for community, charity, and helping others. It taught me that the impact you can have on people and the way you make them feel is both fundamental and rewarding.


What would you say to others to encourage them to give money to support the Bursary Fund at Ratcliffe?

The financial support offered to me and my parents through the Bursary Fund was a huge help. It allowed them to continue to support me with my training and endeavours to become a professional athlete whilst still being able to study at Ratcliffe College and enjoy everything the school has to offer. I am extremely grateful to the Bursary Fund, and my bursar, for their support.


Do you have anything you’d like to say to any of the donors who supported the Bursary Fund whilst you were at Ratcliffe?

A huge thank you! I have been lucky enough to keep in touch with a bursar, and the relationship we have built and the advice he has passed on to me has been invaluable. The support me and my family were provided with means so much and I know the Fund has such a positive impact on so many.