- Ratcliffe College

Access to Scripts Online Application Form

Candidate Name(Required)
Candidate College Email Address(Required)
(scripts will only be sent to this address)
This service is for decisions about whether to request a Review of Marking. If you do not need this service, please select "NA". If you wish to request more than one script, please complete another script request.
This service is for teaching and learning purposes ONLY. If you do not need this service, please select "NA". If you wish to request more than one script, please complete another script request.
Teachers Name
If a teacher has asked to see your script, either to support a possible Review of Marking or to use in the classroom please insert their name
Tick ONE of the boxes below:(Required)
Scripts cannot be shared with teaching staff unless one of these two statements are ticked.
Candidate Consent(Required)
Parental / Guardian Consent(Required)
DD slash MM slash YYYY